Reflections on January’s screening of Blueberry Soup

CRaB postgraduate researcher Carlus Hudson has written the following reflections on the screening of Blueberry Soup which was hosted by CRaB earlier this year. Blueberry Soup: How Iceland changed the way we think about the world On 10th January, CRaB was joined by documentary-maker Eileen Jerrett for a screening of her film Blueberry Soup. Blueberry Soup follows the stories of Icelandic people who have taken their country’s future into their own hands and sought to rewrite the constitution. Iceland was hit hard by the 2008 financial crisis: its economy shrunk by 10% and unemployment tripled. The largest protests in Iceland’s

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Conference on Englishness at University of Winchester, 28 March

One of our members, Charlie Leddy-Owen, is co-organising a conference on qualitative approaches to the study of English identities with John Denham from the University of Winchester’s Centre for English Identity and Politics. Charlie will be speaking at the event along with David McCrone, Anoop Nayak, Katharine Tyler, Lisa McKenzie, Sivamohan Valluvan, Robin Mann and others. The event will be held at Winchester Cathedral on 28 March. Register here:

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‘Us and Them’: Developing open and collaborative citizenship/identity (networks)

Blog post by Dr Nora Siklodi, Lecturer in Politics, University of Portsmouth This entry provides a short overview of the key ideas presented at a recent workshop organised by the Citizenship, Race and Belonging (CRaB) research group in collaboration with the European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on Citizenship at the University of Portsmouth.[1] The objective of the workshop, entitled ‘Citizenship and Identity’, was to bring together papers addressing the intersection between these two issues. Citizenship was defined along traditional lines, as the dynamic bond between a sovereign political community and the individual, which is then anticipated to shape

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