Racism on Display: what should we do with racist material culture?

If you walk around the delightful ‘Shambles’ of the historic city of York, through the small cobbled street of timber-framed buildings huddled together, you’ll find more than over-priced cupcakes and novelty-sized Yorkshire Tea teapots. The Shambles was once known as The Great Flesh Shambles, having served as the butcher’s street – and meat hooks still survive where animal carcasses would have once hung. If you peer into the tiny touristy gift shops here you will see other bodies hanging; the small ‘kitsch’ outlines of golliwog dolls hanging lifelessly from display hooks in shopfront windows, like so many lynchings. This ‘taste’

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‘Liberate my degree’ event

A report by CRaB member and postgraduate researcher Carlus Hudson. On March 16th, University of Portsmouth Student Union hosted a panel event “Liberate My Degree”. It brought students, academics and activists together as part of wider National Union of Students campaigns on the BAME attainment gap in higher education and lack of diversity in university curricula. This event continued the union’s “Race in Your Face” campaign from last academic year that highlighted ways in which communities perpetuate racial prejudice and discrimination. Members of the panel were Aadam Muuse (Black Students’ Officer – National Union of Students), Dr. Olivia Rutazibwa (Senior

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Living with One China as a Migrant Wife in Taiwan

By Isabelle Cheng Officially, since 1949 at the end of the Chinese Civil War, Taiwan and China do not talk to each other, partly due to the ongoing dispute over the sovereignty of Taiwan.  When they talk to each other, they often use a messenger (publicly or privately) since there is no official political contact between the two, in spite of the intensive socio-economic and cultural interactions after the resumed contact in 1987. Would it be a good idea to have Donald Trump as their go-between? Apparently not. The tensions across the Taiwan Strait after Trump talked to Taiwanese President

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